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Hair Loss Detection Test
Carried Out At Your Home By A Qualified Clinician

£ 134.99

This service is ideal if you are busy, unable carry out your tests yourself or visit one of our locations. We will send a qualified clinician to your preferred location where they will carry out the blood tests. An analysis of thyroid health, iron levels and other key hormones to explore most common causes for hair loss and thinning.

  • 7 tests included

  • Venous blood sample

  • 2 days turnaround

Hair Loss Detection Test

What this test measures
Read more about the health markers we check in this blood test


Testosterone Learn More

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is produced in the testicles of men and to a lesser extent in the ovaries of women. In men, testosterone plays an important role in the development of the male reproductive tissues including the prostate and testes. Testosterone is responsible for a variety of traits which can range from; increasing the mass of bone and muscle to influencing the growth of hair on the body. Therefore, men with lower levels of testosterone may encounter a reduction in these traits, whilst women with raised testosterone may encounter an increase in these traits. Raised testosterone is commonly observed in women with polycystic ovaries syndrome in which increased body hair, acne or a deepened voice may be characteristic.

FAI Learn More

The Free Androgen Index (FAI) is a ratio used to determine the amount of free androgen hormones within the blood and whether this is within the normal range. Testosterone readily binds to proteins within the blood such as SHBG, though it can also be found in a free, unbound state. The FAI ratio is based on measurements of testosterone present in your blood in comparison to the total amount of testosterone plus SHBG in your body. In women, an elevated value for FAI could indicate polycystic ovary syndrome. In men, a low value could be indicative of a reduced availability of testosterone which may be associated to symptoms including loss of muscle mass, libido and erectile dysfunction.

SHBG Learn More

SHBG is a protein that is produced by your liver and is able to bind tightly with three main sex hormones (dihydrotestosterone (DHT), testosterone and Estrogen). These hormones can be found in your blood in an unbound, free form in both women and men. However, when SHBG binds to them they become bound and unavailable to the cells of your body, therefore, SHBG can influence the amount of these free hormones that is available to your tissues. A high value for SHBG can indicate a lack of testosterone or oestrogen available to your tissues whilst a low SHBG value can indicate an excess amount of these hormones available. Causes for changes in the level of SHBG other than sex and age include hyperthyroidism and liver disease.

Thyroid Hormones

FT4 Learn More

The purpose of this test is to measure the amounts of free thyroxine (T4) that is present within the blood. T4 is a one of two hormones that is secreted by the thyroid gland. Therefore, a high result may be associated with an individual with an overactive thyroid as more T4 is produced then normal. In contrast, a lower than normal result may arise if an individual has an underactive thyroid.

TSH Learn More

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is produced by the pituitary gland and acts to increase the functioning of the thyroid gland, This stimulation in turn encourages the production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) by the thyroid. Elevated TSH may be indicative of an underactive thyroid, In comparison, reduced TSH may be associated with an overactive thyroid.

Iron status

Ferritin Learn More

Ferritin is a protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion. In humans, it acts as a buffer against iron deficiency and iron overload. Plasma ferritin is also an indirect marker of the total amount of iron stored in the body, hence serum ferritin is used as a diagnostic test for iron-deficiency anaemia. Low levels are indicative of anaemia and may be caused by events such as excessive bleeding or lack of iron within the diet. In contrast, elevated ferritin levels could indicate iron overload syndrome or liver damage.

Inflamation markers

hs-CRP Learn More

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a protein that increases in response to inflammation detected within the body - though it cannot be used to identify the exact location of where this inflammation is occurring. On the other hand, high Sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) is used to detect low-level inflammation and can give more of an indication of the location of the inflammation as this type has been found to be associated with damaged blood vessels. Damage to blood vessels can increase an individuals likelihood of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, an elevated hs-CRP may be considered a risk factor for cardio-vascular disease.

About this test and how it can help you

Hair loss is a natural process that occurs as your hair follicles reach the end of their life cycle.

The hair follicles on your head tend to be at different stages which prevents all the follicles from shedding at once.

Instead, it allows for a more gradual loss of around 50 to 100 hairs a day which is generally balanced with the growth of new follicles. This amount of hair loss is completely normal, however, if you feel you are losing more hair than this it can sometimes be concerning and have a big impact on how you are feeling.

Although in most cases, hair loss is not something to worry about it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs attention. Excessive hair loss can be either permanent or temporary and can occur in both men and women of all different ages.

Our hair loss tracker allows you to check your levels of key hormones and analytes to identify potential health issues that may be the cause of your hair loss.

We assess iron status (ferritin), inflammation (CRP), thyroid health (T4 and TSH), and other key hormones (SHGB, FAI, and total testosterone) to evaluate whether these are within normal limits. This is important as iron deficiency; hormone imbalances or autoimmune diseases may sometimes be the cause of hair loss.

This test is sutable for individuals who are worried about excessive hair loss or have noticed thinning of the hair.

How it works when we send a Clinician to your home

Place Your Order

Schedule a home nurse visit for your venous blood sample.

Perform Your Blood Test

Our certified Healthcare Team member will come to your home for the collection.

View Results

Received the results within 24-48 hours.

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